Wednesday, October 19, 2011

writing syle comparative

To compare the books The Son Of Neptune, Wolf Island, and Enders Game you have to look at how the authors write and form their stories. For starters the author of The Son Of Neptune, Rick Riordan, chooses to write in a more connotative way showing more emotions and feelings of the characters rather then simple motions and things they do. He chooses to let the character tell most of the story as if he or she were telling you about it. As he does this he likes to through in extra things the character is thinking with (things like putting parentheses). he also thoses in simple jokes about the situation if it seems to be getting kinda serious to help lighten the mood. This writing style is simular to the book Wolf island, by Darren Shan, he depicks the characters thoughts and emotions but rather then making it a happier book it shows the reality of death and mass choas and that through death and sacrifice light can prevail. He also defers another lesson that sometimes to kill a monster you must become on yourself. These ways of writing greatly defers from the denotative writing style of Olson Scott Card in Enders Game. Though he writes it from the point of view of one many character for the most part he only rarely gives out thoughts or emotions felt instead he tells the story by whats happening physically and leaves you sorta guessing on whats going on in an attempt to make you really think about whats happening and whats going to happen.

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