Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Practice Diction Analysis

The diction within this passage uses a precise, with intermediate writing literal and direct. the mood set by this is formal straight forward attitude while also giving a sense of laid back and just telling of the story.

Friday, October 21, 2011

pgs 1-564
The Son Of Neptune

1. Uris uses a elegant diction and a melodious language.

2. 1984 by George Orwell uses straightforward and exact diction, colloquial formality, and dull sound to create a harsh feeling for the reader, much like how Winston feels the chill of the bright cold day and the enormous eyes of the face watching him.
3. Starting at the LOW side of the y axis, Nic Sheff bluntly uses vulgar language to remember a time he had with a previous girlfriend.
I like the first because I like the use of melodious language just really paints a picture

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hymn For The Missing

Tried to walk together
But the night was growing dark
Thought you were beside me
But i reached and you were gone
Sometimes I hear you calling from some lost and distant shore
I hear you crying softly for the way it was before

Where are you now?
Are you lost?
Will I find you again?
Are you alone?
Are you afraid?
Are you searching for me?
Why did you go?
I had to stay
Now I'm reaching for you
Will you wait?
Will you wait?
Will I see you again?

You took it with you when you left
These scars are just a trace
Now it wanders lost and wounded
This heart that I misplaced

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

writing syle comparative

To compare the books The Son Of Neptune, Wolf Island, and Enders Game you have to look at how the authors write and form their stories. For starters the author of The Son Of Neptune, Rick Riordan, chooses to write in a more connotative way showing more emotions and feelings of the characters rather then simple motions and things they do. He chooses to let the character tell most of the story as if he or she were telling you about it. As he does this he likes to through in extra things the character is thinking with (things like putting parentheses). he also thoses in simple jokes about the situation if it seems to be getting kinda serious to help lighten the mood. This writing style is simular to the book Wolf island, by Darren Shan, he depicks the characters thoughts and emotions but rather then making it a happier book it shows the reality of death and mass choas and that through death and sacrifice light can prevail. He also defers another lesson that sometimes to kill a monster you must become on yourself. These ways of writing greatly defers from the denotative writing style of Olson Scott Card in Enders Game. Though he writes it from the point of view of one many character for the most part he only rarely gives out thoughts or emotions felt instead he tells the story by whats happening physically and leaves you sorta guessing on whats going on in an attempt to make you really think about whats happening and whats going to happen.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Pgs 1- 338 Last Olympian
pgs 1- 259 Red Pyramid

passage of the week:
"I dont care if they ever know my name or what ive done, what ive sacrificed for them to live, to grow, do die in loving arms. They will never understand the pain my love ones will feel upon my absence in my fathers home. No man can say his memory will live forever, or that his life will even mean anything to you. All I know is that for that one moment when I choose to die for you, I will have no hesitation, no regret, no thought of selfish want or need. In that moment when you need me most i will be there, i will not have failed, i will not have gone quietly, i will not have stood by. I will have saved you... And that is all you'll ever know."

-words of the Fallen

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

RavenMasters Secret

1. "To kill a monster sometimes you have to become one.""No, sometimes while trying to kill a monster you become one yourself my son."

I chose this quote as a winner not because it was necessarily the best but because it speaks to me a lot it elaborates the fine line a hero or soldier must walk in order to protect those he or she cares about.

pgs 1-236 in RavenMasters Secret

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I chose this imagine of what is a roman icon i chose it because it links a part of my ancestory and a aspect of my future.
elements: power, essence, meaning, influence
What i observed
  • Depth: iconic, symbolic, ancestrol
  • Color: grayscale, sharp, sketched
  • Expression: legacy, straight forward, representive
  • Use of Space: balanced, equal
What i Inferred
  • Depth: superior, strategic, militarized
  • Color: clean, dark, distinct
  • Expression: aggressive, warlike, displined
  • Use of Space: unified, organized

Friday, September 16, 2011

Currently - 8/26/11

pages read 1-326
total 326
sons of liberty

sons of liberty

its a comic book that teaches you life in the revolutionary war! it stars two slaves who after burning there masters son they take off running for their lives and this is as the revolutionary war is beginning and it leads you up to that as well as tell a story of the slaves on the run.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We could have been reading comic books the whole time

i just found comic books that are the works such as hamlet, romeo and juilet, Mcbeth, and sons of liberty which is the revolutionary war except there are freaking ninjas in it thought this was quite amusing and worth looking into

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Lost Hero

in this post ill mention that as they had just had there encounter with another evil mistress that tried to kill them and nearly succeeds piper steps in to save the day and so does fetus the machine dragon they've been flying on another note is that leo is visited by his father in a dream and they have an interesting conversation and when he wakes up they are in free fall again and this time fetus though he saves the kids doesnt make it through.

Friday, September 2, 2011


2.that one guys blog

sentences of the week

1. From six to one, no time to run, the curse begun,
Five to eight, your two late, doom has come,
From four to seven, your not in heaven, your torment just begun.
As you run and hide, try not to die, or death shall have its prize.
                               - The Freak
2. "Just because you dont believe in me doesnt mean i wont save you"

The Lost Hero

177-403 This week in The Lost Hero Leo son of Hephaestus becomes a major part of the story when the dragon their riding on malfunctions and they fall from the sky they run into a small family of Hyprobeam cyclops and when jason is knocked out and piper tied up Leo is the one who steps in to save the day using his tool belt and his abilities to bend fire to his will he destroys the cyclops and saves his freinds then the meet a new threat that they must face and this may be the worst yet.

Friday, August 26, 2011


The replacement
The Lost Hero, Rick Riordan

This week: 520 pages
last week: none

sentences and words of the week
1. "sometimes to kill a monster you must become one."
2.  "what is seen by the catapillar as the end, the butterfly see's as only the beginning"

I Am.

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow;
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the soft autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush,
Of quiet birds in circled light.
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there; I did not die.

The Lost Hero

This is basically the next part in the Percy Jackson story but this time your seeing the point of view of a guy named Jason though u see through two other characters Leo and piper from time to time but Jason wakes up on a bus with them and they've been there and think they know Jason but Jason remembers nothing at all his mind is completely blank and after being attacked by venti the roman name for storm spirits they are escorted back to camp half-blood by Annabeth who's looking for Percy who went has went missing. And Hera the queen of the gods has been captured and the gods have fallen silent and Jason now has four days before the winter solstice to find and free Hera to kept an unspeakable evil from rising and threatening the very gods themselves.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

the replacement

Finished! it was a pretty good book and ended kinda cool i suppose basically showed that anyone weak or strong can be a hero when they calling comes ultimate sacrifice giving ones life for the sake of others no matter how scared you truely are there are worse things then death and when it comes for you will you run and hide or will you stand for something and laugh in the face of death.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Replacement

in the book the boy who's name you don't truly know since he is called by the name of the baby boy he was switched with has food out that he is truly part of the house of mayhem its where he belongs with the dead and the undead but you don't really know who he or the few others like him are so far its kind of a mystery still but we know that he cant touch iron or it burns him badly he cant go onto holy ground without almost bursting into flames and since he lives above ground with the locals hes like slowly dieing without these remedies also he feels better when hes underground and he is now in a weird relationship with the girl name Tate though i seen it coming from the get go.